Monday, August 16, 2010

Productivity boost!

I deleted my Facebook. Eek! I think it's temporary (it houses so many photos that I think the web might collapse without it), but I'm excited for a week or two without it.

That's what you get.

Computer nerds shouldn't be in long distance relationships. Why? We have 3 hour Gchat dates, watch Hulu together 2600 miles apart, and email each other photo synopses of our day.

By that I mean I'm so glad I'm a computer nerd, because it's really the only way I'd be able to handle it. Either way, I'm quite happy.

Side note: I slept TERRIBLY but woke up with fantastic porn hair (wavy/messy/JBF). Silver lining? Yes, please.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hello, Montreal

I had a weekend. Quite a weekend. I flew almost 20 hours round trip and drove almost 10. I saw a boy I love, sat in a dive bar watching baseball in a dress, spoke amateur French, discussed the merits of Lady Gaga (I really do think she is fantastic), climbed a mountain, drank classy burgundy wine, got lost trying to cross a bridge, and slept in an obnoxiously large comfortable hotel bed.

That said, I miss the way I used to travel. Something about my grown-up self is so disenchanted with the world. I feel like everywhere I went, I was happy and excited and could find a million things to do... but now it's a quick jaunt to the places I want to cross off a list and devoting a piece of my afternoon to a nap. I suppose there's no complaint there, it just feels like I'm shortchanging places that deserve the excitement of a 12 year old.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What's so wrong with fitting in?

Preface: This is a big rant.

I'm sick and tired of being berated for my love of Tom's Shoes, pop music, Seven jeans, dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, and other things that are generally popular or trendy. I don't understand people's hatred of the norm or status quo or popularity. Just because other people like something doesn't mean it's of a lower quality or value.

Today, I got a harsh berating over my love of Taylor Swift. My response was "one day you'll have to grow to accept my horrible taste in music." This reasoning was shot down as it was explained to me that I was wrong and my taste was unacceptable. I have a few problems with this. First, isn't taste generally assumed to differ between people? Next, what makes people so superior in their "counter-culture" or oracle-like coolness? Half of the "cool" or "indie" songs I've heard have meaningless lyrics and don't make any sense. If I'm trying to cheer myself up or sing along to something, I'll take a kitschy pop song over nonsensical lyrics and sweet beats.

In a broader sense, what's so uncool about not being indie? I happen to look horrible in skinny jeans, find avant garde artsy films boring, and I don't feel a need to go to a cool neighborhood spot every meal. So sue me. I have spent far too much time letting people make me feel lame, and I'm done with it.

Let me affirm for the whole blogosphere - I like Taylor Swift. I like pop culture. I like lean pockets and cheap wine and designer goods... and I'm done apologizing for it.