Thursday, July 29, 2010


I guess this is what I should've expected when joining a company of competitive overachievers. It's review week and tensions are high. So funny that everyone expects a higher-than-average rating, but so few people will get it. I'm just going to close my eyes and pretend it's Friday at 3:00.

(by that I mean I have a preemptive pity party planned with my roommate for the hours after we hear our ratings... just in case)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Big changes, little goals.

I've never been one to define myself by the presence of others. That said, I'm finding that Alex's departure* to be incredibly difficult.

To fill the gap that used to be midweek SF jaunts, fine dining, and snuggling on the couch to SportsCenter, I've decided to make some goals and lists.**
  • 6 week workout plan
  • Cooking at least 4x/week
  • No more cuticle biting
  • Flossing daily
  • No caffeine
  • Start studying for GMATs
They're mostly superficial, but making lists is exceptionally helpful in maintaining my sanity. I promise I'll get deeper into thoughts soon, but the combination of baking, running, and technology issues have postponed this entry just a bit too long, and it is time for this kid to hit the hay.

*Temporary departure to Saratoga, NY (it's only 7 weeks)
**Shocking, right? Me, making lists?


Oh, blogging... it's been so long.
I so rarely know what I want to say, but I've had so many jumbled thoughts lately, and this seems like it could be a good home for them.

As for the title? Absolutely lifted from a friend of a friend. She uses it to give fashion and lifestyle tips, but I feel like it's an appropriate set of descriptors for me.

So many things to post, so many test scenarios to write first...
Until next time, xoxo